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Drum talk

> "Listen!" > > The two men stopped, every sense alert to the world around them. The > air was filled with sound---birds screeching, monkeys chattering. But > that was as it should be. The jungle is...

The Animals’ World

We see, hear, smell, and feel the world around us. So do animals. But many ani­mals do these things in different ways. Some kinds of animals can't do all of them. Some kinds of animals do them better...

Wild Geese

by Elinor Chipp I heard the wild geese flying In the dead of the night, With beat of wings and crying I heard the wild geese flying, And dreams in my heart sighing Followed their northward flight....

Do You Fear the Wind?

by Hamlin Garland Do you fear the force of the wind, The slash of the rain? Go face them and fight them, Be savage again. Go hungry and cold like the wolf, Go wade like the crane: The palms of...

A Big Deal for the Tooth Fairy

by X. J. Kennedy Tooth Fairy, hear! Tonight's the night I've dreamed about for ages, For haven't we kids got a right To rake in living wages? I've tried to work my back teeth loose, Tied...

A Kitten

> by Eleanor Farjeon He's nothing much but fur And two round eyes of blue, He has a giant purr And a midget mew. He darts and pats the air, He starts and cocks his ear, When there is nothing...

The Little Whistler

by Frances M. Frost My mother whistled softly, My father whistled bravely, My brother whistled merrily, And I tried all day long! I blew my breath inwards, I blew my breath outwards, But all you...