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a Scott Fetzer company
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Holiday Time
All kinds of holidays Hurray, it’s a holiday! Many holidays are days when you don’t have to go to school and grown-ups don’t have to go to work. These are often fun-filled days when your family…

Who shares my birthday? Is your birthday in January? The names of some of the famous people born in January are shown on the calendar on this page and the next. What do you know about the person who…

Hattie Wyatt Caraway (1878) first woman elected to the U.S. Senate Langston Hughes \(1902\) American poet Who shares my birthday? Is your birthday in February? The names of some of the famous…

Blanche Kelso Bruce (1841) first full-term black American senator Harry Belafonte \(1927\) American singer famous for West Indian songs Dr. Seuss (1904) American author and illustrator (real name…