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I see signs

Sometimes there is so much noise I cannot hear words. Or sometimes people are too far away for their voices to reach me. But they make signs with their arms and hands and I know what the signs mean. ...

Learning to listen

My ears can hear dozens---maybe even hundreds---of sounds all at the same time. All around me are the sounds of animals, things, nature, and people. If I really heard all these sounds at the same...

Keeping my balance

My inner ear does more than help me hear. It has another big job it helps me keep my balance. It helps me stay upright when I am moving. And it helps me stay upright when I am standing still. ...

High and low

Zzzeee goes the tiny mosquito as it zips past your ear. HROOM growls a big truck as it rumbles by on the road. The sound the mosquito makes is much higher than the sound of the truck. Why are the...

What is sound?

> Sound comes from just about everywhere--- from friends talking, radios > playing, jet planes roaring overhead. Even your breathing makes a tiny > sound. > > None of these sounds seem very much...