I speak in many ways. I speak with words most of the time. But sometimes I just speak with sounds that aren't words. And sometimes I let my actions speak for me. I don't just hear---I listen. My...
I see signs
Sometimes there is so much noise I cannot hear words. Or sometimes people are too far away for their voices to reach me. But they make signs with their arms and hands and I know what the signs mean. ...
Learning to listen
My ears can hear dozens---maybe even hundreds---of sounds all at the same time. All around me are the sounds of animals, things, nature, and people. If I really heard all these sounds at the same...
Sometimes ears need help
In quiet rooms I can hear the softest sounds---the tick-tock of the clock, my baby sister's breathing while she sleeps. In noisy places I have to listen harder to hear what people say. Sometimes I...
“Seeing” with your ears
When a friend calls your name across the playground, do you know which way to look? Usually you do---your ears tell you. The outer part of your ear traps sound waves and funnels them into your ear....
Hello… hello… hello
I met a man I could not see. But I know he lives not far from me Out past the lake, and up the hill, For when the wind and the birds are still, I stand alone and call \"COME OUT!" And down from the...
High and low
Zzzeee goes the tiny mosquito as it zips past your ear. HROOM growls a big truck as it rumbles by on the road. The sound the mosquito makes is much higher than the sound of the truck. Why are the...
Now you hear it, now you don’t
A ticking clock sounds loud when you put your ear close to it. But as you walk away, the ticking gets softer and softer---until you can't hear the clock at all. Why does the sound get softer? The...
What is sound?
> Sound comes from just about everywhere--- from friends talking, radios > playing, jet planes roaring overhead. Even your breathing makes a tiny > sound. > > None of these sounds seem very much...
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