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Animal houses

> Beaver Home > > An underwater tunnel leads into the house where beavers sleep and stay > warm. Where do the animals go when winter winds blow, when snow is in the air and on the ground? Where...

Clever Manka

from The Shoemaker's Apron by Parker Fillmore In many folk tales and fairy tales, people need magic and good luck to overcome their troubles and make wishes come true. But in this story, which comes...

A Riddle! A Riddle!

1\. Riddle me, riddle me, what is that, Over the head and under the hat? > It's just like a cup; It's yellow, as yellow as butter, And they call it 3. A riddle, a riddle, as I suppose, a hundred...

Who Is So Pretty?

by Elizabeth Coatsworth Skitter, skatter, Leap and squeak! We've been dancing Half the week. Under the sofa, Along the shelf, Every mouse Is wild as an elf. Big round ear And bright black eye,...