George Washington chose the place where the house of the President of the United States was built in Washington, D.C. From time to time, this famous house has been repaired and rebuilt. Even though...
The Festival of Lights
Divali It is late autumn in India, the day before Divali, or the Festival of Lights. For many who practice the Hindu religion, Divali is the first day of the new year. In many homes, the children...
New Year’s Hats for the Statues
by Yoshiko Uchida Once a very kind old man and woman lived in a small house high in the hills of Japan. Although they were good people, they were very, very poor, for the old man made his living by...
Can you “read” the pictures?
Look at the elephant! Do you see the soldiers on the prancing horse? No, it's not a parade. These are pictures painted on a house in India. Other pictures tell about the family in the house---if you...
Riding the waves
How would you like to live in a house that bobs up and down like a cork in a bowl of water? Some families live like this because it is the only kind of house they can afford. Others find that a house...
Cave for rent
A cave can be a dark, musty, creepy place---a den for bats, birds, and crawly things that whir and buzz. Or a cave can be a cozy house for a family. In southern Spain, many families live in caves....
A house for all seasons
It might be fun to have a house for each season. How about a bamboo house with a thatched roof for warm, rainy spring days? On hot, dry summer days, a house with thick, mud walls is a cool place....
Growing up
The house is gaily decorated. The guests are arriving. It is the day of samarttiya kalyanam. This is the day when a Tamil girl becomes a woman---at about the age of 13. Before the ceremony, the girl...
The biggest family of all
> An Ashanti family has a meal in the mother's house. The father lives > in another house. How would you like to have many mothers, many fathers, and lots of brothers and sisters? Impossible? Not...
Four parents to a family
> When grandparents, parents, and children live together, they do most > things together, too. "Over the river and through the woods, To grandfather's house we go; The horse knows the way to carry...