I think of things I know and see. I also think of things as they might be. Suppose I write a poem about an animal, halfelephant and half-giraffe. Shall I call it an elephaffe? How would it look?...
Long roads
I like to travel with my family. I go to the gas station with my mother. The garage man checks our car for safety. We go back home and I sit on top of a big suitcase so Dad can close it. And then...
My world stretches out
When I leave my house, my world stretches out around me. People are in my world. I like to know what they are doing, so I walk around my block. I smell cookies baking. I hear boys and girls...
My house is like your house
> The house I live in is built of brick and stone. It's the place I call > home. I wondered about the big house on my block. One day my mother and I went there to visit. I saw tables, chairs, beds,...
Energy from the sun
Someday you may live in a house that keeps itself warm with a tankful of \"sunshine"--- even on cloudy days and chilly nights. Instead of turning on a furnace, you'll use saved-up heat from the sun. ...
One clay, a man named Alex Jordan was wandering around a hilly countryside in Wisconsin, when he saw a huge rock. It was as tall as a thirty-story skyscraper, and it was shaped like a giant chimney....
> Opera lovers watch an opera performed at La Scala Opera House. La Scala in Milan, Italy, is a house built for singing---an opera house. It is built on the same ground where the Church of Santa...
When Jane Addams turned Hull House in Chicago into a settlement house, it was because of a slum. She wanted a place where the poor people of the neighborhood could come for help. So she rented an...
> These men lived in Starfish House at the bottom of the Bed Sea. You'd be surprised to look out your window and see a parrot fish, a jellyfish, or a mackerel swim by. But seeing fish outside his...
Two cowboys turned their horses and galloped after a runaway calf that was escaping from a herd of cattle. They found not only the calf but also a deserted building clinging to a cliff. That happened...