Clouds. Sometimes they look like big gobs of whipped cream in the sky, and sometimes like soft, floating feathers. Sometimes they're white as milk, and sometimes as dark and gloomy as an angry frown....
It is late afternoon in the summer. The air is hot and sticky. In the distance, a long line of clouds is gathering. There is a rumble of thunder. The line of dark clouds comes swirling over the...
The moving air
When the air seems calm, and you can't feel a wind, it doesn't mean that the wind has stopped blowing everywhere. For there isn't just one wind, there are many. In one place, there may be a soft...
How was the earth born?
Why is the earth shaped like a ball? Why isn't it shaped like a block? Or why isn't it round and flat, like a pie? Why does it spin? And why does it whirl around and around the sun? Most scientists...
A Kite
author unknown I often sit and wish that I Could be a kite up in the sky, And ride upon the breeze and go Whichever way I chanced to blow. by Christina Rossetti Who has seen the wind? Neither...
How Many Colors?
> by Christina Rossetti What is pink? a rose is pink By the fountain's brink. What is red? a poppy's red In its barley bed. What is blue? the sky is blue Where the clouds float thro'. What is...
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