I never used to think of things like rain, snow, trees, or flowers. They were just a part of the world outside my door. Now I go for a walk and I see things I never saw before. I see the shapes that...
Other galaxies
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has more than a hundred billion stars. But it is not the only such "cloud" of stars in space. There are at least a billion other galaxies, and probably more, and each of...
The Milky Way
> Milky Way Galaxy > > Our sun is part of a gigantic cloud of stars called the Milky Way > Galaxy. On a clear summer night you can sometimes see a bright haze in part of the sky. This haze is...
Earth’s “twin”
The second closest planet to the sun is Venus. Seen from the earth, it is the brightest of all the stars and planets in our sky. Sometimes it can even be seen in daylight. Because of its beauty, it...
How the sun was born
Most scientists think our sun began as an immense cloud of gas and dust. Stars that are growing old often shoot out enormous clouds of gas and dust. The gas and dust are made up of all kinds of...
Beads and balls of ice
Hail and sleet are frozen rain. But they are very different. Sleet is tiny beads of ice. Hail is lumps of ice and snow that may be as big as baseballs! Hailstones begin as ordinary raindrops in a...
Flash and bang
Oh, oh---you're caught in a rainstorm! The sky is dark and angry and rain is spattering down all around you. Suddenly, a zigzag flash of lightning brightens the sky for just an instant. Almost at...
Homemade clouds
You can make a cloud! In fact, you probably have made clouds many, many times. All you need is a cold day. Just open your mouth and blow a puff of breath into the cold air. For just a moment, you'll...
Clouds on the earth
> fog under the Golden Gate Bridge, California Eeee-rump! Eeee-rump! The growly sound of a foghorn echoes in the night. A thick, gray fog creeps in from the ocean and settles over the waterfront....
Shapes in the sky
stratus clouds There are many different kinds of clouds, and each kind has a name. Most clouds are named for their shapes. The clouds that look like great sheets pulled across the sky are called...
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