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Which me?

I change from hour to hour and day to day in such a surprising way that sometimes I wonder which me is real and if me-ness depends on how I feel. Maybe as I grow I'll know.

My friends

Friends share secrets (friends don't tell). Friends share good times (and bad, as well). Friends share things with one another. That's because friends like each other. Of all the happy things...

Especially for me

Ask me who I'd rather be. The answer is easy--- I'd rather be ME! My name may be Mary or maybe it's Mike, I can pack a knapsack and go on a hike. I can climb a tree. I can ride a bike. I can...

Mostly I’m happy

There's something I'm rarely without. My supply of it doesn't run out. I use it, yet there's more, and to spare. It's something I like to share. It's with me wherever I go. What is it? Do you...

Sometimes I’m sad

Things are all mixed up and I I can't think of a thing to do but cry. Go away, you tears! I'd rather smile. 1 And I just might--- in a little while. I feel sort of quiet and sad. I wish, oh I...

Sometimes I’m afraid

Mother was lost. Where was she? Around the corner, looking for me! So many things I used to fear--- storms \... dreams . /. the dark---last year. But time has passed. I've grown taller, while those...

Sometimes I’m angry

Fight? I might. I'm angry, not thinking straight. The smart thing to do would be to wait till I cool off, and so does he. Then we can talk of what's bothering me.

About loving

There's Grandma, Grandpa, Dad and Mother, special grown-ups . . . my sister . . . my brother . . . my doll. . . my bike . . . my brand-new shoes . . . a very best friend I choose . . . ...

The outdoor me

Whether it's rocks, leaves, sand, or snow, I know just where I want it to go. I play outdoors and I arrange all sorts of things that later I'll change. Why? Well, I like to be part of the outdoor...