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> Platypus The platypus, or duckbill, is a mammal, but it seems to be part bird, too. It has a body like a beaver and a bill and feet like a duck. A mother platypus gives milk, as all mammal mothers...

Trunks and tails

Wouldn't it seem strange to have a hand on the end of your nose? But an elephant has a sort of hand on the end of its nose. The elephant's trunk is its nose. And at the end of the trunk are one or...

Hot and cold

A kangaroo rat's world is the burning hot desert. The desert is baked by the sun. The air above the sand is so hot it wiggles! During the day, a kangaroo rat sleeps in a cool, underground hole....

The night world

A mouse scampers through the grass in a meadow. It is night and only the stars are out. The mouse can hardly see, but it finds its way in the dark, because it is in its territory. The air is full of...

A world of smells

The squirrel can tell if the hickory nut is good or bad by the way it smells. Even though you can't see them, you can tell when cookies are baking nearby. You can't see perfume on a lady, but you...


A bat flies through a cave. Long, sharp rocks hang from the roof. Other rocks stick up from the floor. The cave is darker than night. If you were there, you wouldn't see a thing. But the flying bat...

What animals see

A hawk can see much better than a person can. From high in the sky, a hawk can see a tiny mouse in the grass below. Broadwinged Hawk If you were a rabbit, nibbling plants in a meadow, you would be...

The Animals’ World

We see, hear, smell, and feel the world around us. So do animals. But many ani­mals do these things in different ways. Some kinds of animals can't do all of them. Some kinds of animals do them better...