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The deep blue sea

The deep blue sea

The sea! the sea! the open sea!

The blue, the fresh, the ever free!

Without a mark, without a bound, It runneth the earth’s wide regions

From [The Sea]{.smallcaps}

Barry Cornwall

Sailors talk about “the seven seas,” but there is really only one big
ocean. The lands we live on, even

It’s a Fact

There is really only one big ocean.

It covers about three-fourths of the earth. You can see this clearly
if you look at a globe from the top and bottom.

giant continents such as North and South America, are really just
islands in this huge ocean.

Large parts of this one big ocean lie between the continents. These
parts have different names. The biggest part is called the Pacific
Ocean. The next biggest part is called the Atlantic Ocean. There is also
the Indian Ocean near India, the Arctic Ocean around the North Pole, and
the Antarctic Ocean near the South Pole.

Smaller parts of the ocean, near islands or between pieces of land, are
sometimes called seas. But we also call the whole ocean a sea—the
deep, blue sea.

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