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How much did it rain?

How much did it rain?

You’ve probably heard weather forecasters on radio or television tell
how many inches or centimeters of rain fell during a storm. But how do
they know how much rain fell?

Scientists measure rainfall with an instrument called a rain gauge. Rain
falls into the gauge during a storm. Afterwards, scientists measure the
amount of water in the gauge.

You can make a simple rain gauge out of a clean coffee can and a ruler.
Place the can in the open, away from trees, so that rain can fall
directly into it. Bury it partly, or wedge it with heavy stones so it
can’t move.

As soon as the rain has stopped, measure the amount of water in the can.
Make sure the end of your ruler touches the bottom of the can. Lift the
ruler straight up and see how much of it is wet. Then you will know how
many inches or centimeters of rain fell.

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