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Giant rocks

Giant rocks

Mountains are like great, gray giants. They are huge chunks of rock that
have been pushed up out of the earth. Some mountains stand all alone,
but most are connected together. Long chains of connected mountains are
called mountain ranges.

Mountains are not all alike. Many mountains are bare and rocky. Others
have green forests and fields of grass growing on their sides. And most
high mountains have snow on their tops all year round. This is because
the air at the height of a mountaintop is usually cold enough to keep
water frozen.

Scientists believe that most of the earth’s mountains are many millions
of years old. The newest are wrinkled, and have sharp, pointed tops.
Older mountains are smooth, with rounded tops. These “old” mountains
have been worn down by wind and rain during many millions of years.

Cascade Mountains, Washington

Some mountains are bare and rocky. Others are green with grass and
trees. Newer mountains are sharp and pointed. Very old mountains are
smooth and rounded by erosion.

Snowy Mountains, Australia

Mount Rundle, Alberta, Canada

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