by Kathleen Fraser
I like wrestling with Herbie because he’s my best friend.
We poke each other (but not very hard) and punch each other (but not
very hard) and roll on the grass and pretend to have fights just to make
our sisters scream. But sometimes if he hits me too much and it hurts, I
get mad and I punch him back as hard as I can and then we both are
crying and going into our houses and slamming our back doors on each
other. But the next day, if it’s sunny, we come out into our yards and
grin at each other, and sometimes he gives me an apple or I give him a
cookie and then we start wrestling again.
The Opposite of Two
by Richard Wilbur
What is the opposite of two?
A lonely me, a lonely you.
by Myra Cohn Livingston
tickle through your ear
telling things you like to hear.
are as soft as skin
letting little words curl in.
come so they can blow
secrets others never know.