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The Dragon of Grindly Grun

The Dragon of Grindly Grun

I’m the Dragon of Grindly Grun, But my lunches aren’t very much fun,
For I like my damsels medium rare, And they always come out well

Eat-it-all Elaine

by Kaye Starbird

I went away last August To summer camp in Maine, And there I met a
camper Called Eat-it-all Elaine. Although Elaine was quiet, She liked to
cause a stir By acting out the nickname Her camp-mates gave to her. The
day of our arrival At Cabin Number Three When girls kept coming over To
greet Elaine and me, She took a piece of Kleenex And calmly chewed it
up, Then strolled outside the cabin And ate a buttercup.

Elaine, from that day forward,

Was always in command.

On hikes, she’d eat some birch-bark. On swims, she’d eat some sand. At
meals, she’d swallow prune-pits And never have a pain, While everyone
around her Would giggle, “Oh, Elaine!”

One morning, berry-picking, A bug was in her pail, And though we thought
for certain Her appetite would fail, Elaine said, “Hmm, a stinkbug.” And
while we murmured, “Ooh,” She ate her pail of berries And ate the
stinkbug, too.

The night of Final Banquet When counselors were handing Awards to
different children Whom they believed outstanding, To every thinking
person At summer camp in Maine The Most Outstanding Camper Was
Eat-it-all Elaine.

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