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by Eleanor Farjeon

Five minutes, five minutes more, please!

Let me stay five minutes more!

Can’t I just finish the castle

I’m building here on the floor?

Can’t I just finish the story

I’m reading here in my book?

Can’t I just finish this bead-chain— It almost is finished, look!

When a game’s once begun

It’s a pity never to find out

Whether you’ve lost or won.

Can’t I just stay five minutes?

Well, can’t I stay just four? Three minutes, then? two minutes?

Can’t I stay one minute more?

Can’t I just finish this game, please?


by Karla Kuskin

Do not jump on ancient uncles.


Do not yell at average mice.


Do not wear a broom to breakfast.


Do not ask a snake’s advice.


Do not bathe in chocolate pudding.


Do not talk to bearded bears.


Do not smoke cigars on sofas.


Do not dance on velvet chairs.


Do not take a whale to visit Russell’s mother’s cousin’s yacht.


And whatever else you do do It is better you

Do not.

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