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A Big Deal for the Tooth Fairy

A Big Deal for the Tooth Fairy

by X. J. Kennedy

Tooth Fairy, hear! Tonight’s the night I’ve dreamed about for ages,

For haven’t we kids got a right To rake in living wages?

I’ve tried to work my back teeth loose,

Tied doorknobs (threads—what cop-outs!), But gosh! my jaws just won’t

A quick cash crop of dropouts.

So come prepared to lose a heap In larger trading ventures.

Tonight I lay me down to sleep On top of Grandpop’s dentures.

In the Motel

by X. J. Kennedy

Bouncing! bouncing! on the beds

My brother Bob and I cracked heads—

People next door heard the crack, Whammed on the wall, so we whammed
right back

Dad’s razor caused an overload And wow! did the TV set explode!

Someone’s car backed fast and—tinkle! In our windshield was a wrinkle.

Eight more days on the road? Hooray! What a bang-up holiday!

If Once You Have Slept on an Island by Rachel Field

If once you have slept on an island

You’ll never be quite the same;

You may look as you looked the day before And go by the same old name,

You may bustle about in street and shop;

You may sit at home and sew, But you’ll see blue water and wheeling

Wherever your feet may go.

You may chat with the neighbors of this and that And close to your fire

But you’ll hear ship whistle and lighthouse bell And tides beat through
your sleep.

Oh, you won’t know why, and you can’t say how

Such change upon you came, But—once you have slept on an island

You’ll never be quite the same!

The Night Will Never Stay

by Eleanor Farjeon

The night will never stay, The night will still go by, Though with a
million stars You pin it to the sky;

Though you bind it with the blowing wind And buckle it with the moon,
The night will slip away Like sorrow or a tune.

Questions at Night

by Louis Untermeyer


Is the sky?

What starts the thunder overhead?

Who makes the crashing noise? Are the angels falling out of bed? Are
they breaking all their toys?

Why does the sun go down so soon? Why do the night-clouds crawl Hungrily
up to the new-laid moon And swallow it, shell and all?

If there’s a Bear among the stars As all the people say, Won’t he jump
over those Pasture-bars And drink up the Milky Way?

Does every star that happens to fall Turn into a fire-fly?

Can’t it ever get back to Heaven at all?

And why

Is the sky?


by Elizabeth Madox Roberts


by Sara Teasdale

A little light is going by, Is going up to see the sky, A little light
with wings.

I never could have thought of it, To have a little bug all lit And made
to go on wings.

A wolf

I considered myself but

the owls are hooting and

the night I fear.

an Osage Indian song

Stars over snow,

And in the west a planet

Swinging below a star—

Look for a lovely thing and you will find it, It is not far—

It never will be far.

The Falling Star

by Sara Teasdale

I saw a star slide down the sky, Blinding the north as it went by, Too
burning and too quick to hold, Too lovely to be bought or sold, Good
only to make wishes on And then forever to be gone.

The owl hooted, Telling of the morning star. He hooted again, Announcing
the dawn.

a Yuma Indian song

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