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Why some flowers smell nice— and some don’t

Flowers that are pollinated by insects have bright colors and sweet
smells to attract the insects.

salvia flower and bee

grass flowers

Flowers that are pollinated by the wind don’t need bright colors or
sweet smells.

Why some flowers smell nice— and some don’t

Flowers that need the help of insects to make seeds have smells and
bright colors. The smells and colors attract insects to the flowers. The
insects carry pollen from one flower to another. Pollen helps make

Most flowers have sweet smells that attract bees and other insects that
like sweet smells. Some plants, such as the skunk cabbage, have
unpleasant smells to attract insects that like bad smells.

But some flowers don’t need the help of insects. The pollen of these
flowers is carried to other flowers by the wind. Since these flowers
don’t have to attract insects, they don’t need bright colors or smells.
They are usually small and greenish or brownish and grow in tight
bunches. You can see such flowers on grass.

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