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What roots do

What roots do

Roots are like sponges. They soak up water. And roots are anchors, too.

A plant’s roots grow down into the earth. They spread out and send out
branches. They curve around stones. They grow toward damp places in
search of water.

There is usually lots of water in the ground from rain that has soaked
in. Mixed with the water are iron, copper, and other minerals. Plants
need minerals to

root growth

A plant’s roots grow down into the earth. They send out branches that
spread out and curve around stones.

roots taking in water

Roots take water (dots) from the soil.

Arrows show water moving up the trunk.

stay healthy. Roots soak minerals up along with water, and send them to
all parts of the plant.

Besides getting what the plant needs from the soil, roots do something
else, too. By growing down and spreading out in the ground, they hold a
plant tightly in place. Strong winds can’t blow the plant away. Floods
of rain can’t wash it away. It is held in place by its root anchors.

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