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The lion’s tooth

The lion’s tooth

Dandelions are good to eat!

For years, people in different parts of the world have eaten the young,
spring leaves of dandelions. Some people boil them and eat them with
salt and pepper. Some people use them in salads. These spring leaves are
called dandelion greens.

The dandelion got its name in a funny way. The jagged edges of the
dandelion’s leaf look like a row of teeth. So, long ago, the people in
France gave the plant the name dent de lion, which means lion’s tooth.
But to the people in England, dent de lion sounded like dandelion, and
that’s what they called this plant!

There was a pretty dandelion With lovely, fluffy hair, That glistened in
the sunshine And in the summer air.

But oh! this pretty dandelion Soon grew old and gray;

And, sad to tell! her charming hair Blew many miles away.

[Dandelion]{.smallcaps} Author Unknown

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