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Plants that like wet feet

Plants that like wet feet

Cats don’t like wet feet. But the plants called cattails do. And so do
many other kinds of plants. So these plants often live together in
ponds, lakes, and rivers.

Cattails, bulrushes, and bur reeds live along the edges of streams and
ponds, with their roots and parts of their stems underwater. Water
lilies live a little farther out, with their leaves and flowers floating
on the water. Pondweeds may live even farther out, and often are
completely under the water.

And some plants, such as the tiny duckweed, have no stems at all. They
float on top of the water like little green rafts, and their roots hang
down into the water.

pond community

Cattails, bulrushes, and floating water lilies are often neighbors in a
pond such as this.

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