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Plants of the grassland community

Plants of the grassland community

Grasses and small plants with white or colored flowers are neighbors
in a grassland.

or bushes grow on a grassland, but there are many small plants with
white or col­ored flowers.

Big herds of sheep or cattle graze on many grasslands. Other grasslands
have been turned into farmland where wheat and corn are raised. Wheat
and corn grow well in a grassland because they them­selves are grasses.

Plants of the grassland community

Life in the grasslands

Most big animals that live on grasslands, such as zebras, eat grass.
Most small animals, such as rabbits, eat plant leaves and seeds. There
are also meat-eating animals—foxes, snakes, and, in some places, lions
and leopards.

Many meat-eating birds, such as hawks, go hunting on grasslands. They
swoop down to catch rabbits and other small animals.

It’s hard for a hunted animal to hide on grasslands. The ground is low
and flat and there are few trees or bushes. Many animals crouch down and
hide. Some, such as rabbits and zebras can save themselves by running.
And some, such as these prairie dogs, dig tunnels in which to hide.

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