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People who help us enjoy plants

People who help us enjoy plants

A florist is an artist and gardener combined. Florists grow and sell
plants and flowers. They also make the beautiful bouquets you see at
weddings, anniversaries, and on other special occasions.

florist in a greenhouse

Florist shops are beautiful, All damply green and dimly cool, And the
men who keep them are sure to be A little baggy about the knee, With
voices pleasant and rather low From living along with things that grow;
For you can’t stay noisy and hurried where Petal on petal fills the air
With spiciness, and every tree Is hung with gayest greenery.

Grocers bustle and butchers shout, Tradesmen tramp noisily in and out,
But florists are quiet men and kind, With a sort of fragrance of the

People who make pictures of plants

Pictures of plants are often needed for magazines, calendars, and books
like this one. Many of these pic­tures are taken by photographers who
specialize in photographing plants.

Sometimes, plant pictures are needed that can’t be taken by a
photographer. Those pictures are made by artists who have made a special
study of plants. They can paint pictures that look as real as

artist Alex Ebel

Alex Ebel specializes in painting pictures of plants and animals that
lived millions of years ago. All of the exciting pictures in the section
of this book called “Plants of Long Ago” were painted by Mr. Ebel.

photographer David Muench

David Muench enjoys taking pictures that show the beautiful shapes and
designs that are often found in plants. You can see some of Mr. Muench’s
plant photographs on these pages.

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