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Party treats from plants


Sugar, syrup, and honey all come from plants.

So do pepper, mustard, and most other spices.

Bread, breakfast food, and popcorn are all made from the fruit of
plants called cereals.

The flavor of licorice candy comes from this plant’s roots.

Party treats from plants

Peppermint candy gets its flavor from this plant.

Candy and gum are flavored by oil from this plant.

Party treats from plants

Some of our favorite party treats get their flavors from plants.

Do you like licorice candy? Licorice is a flavor made from the root of
the licorice plant. Peppermint, spearmint, and winter­green are flavors
made from oils that come from little plants. And vanilla flavor comes
from the fruit of an orchid!

We can thank trees for some of our best treats. The nuts that go into
fudge, fruit cake, pies, cakes, cookies, and ice cream are all tree
seeds! So, of course, are the crunchy cashews and other nuts we eat
salted or plain.

Wintergreen flavor comes from this plant.

Some tree seeds give us a treat in a different way. We don’t eat kola
nuts, but from them we get the flavor for fizzy cola drinks. And from
cacao beans, which are really tree seeds, too, we get chocolate.

But a favorite treat, the peanut, doesn’t come from a tree. It isn’t
really a nut at all. It’s a kind of pea.

All of these seeds, except the peanut, are nuts. The peanut is really a
kind of pea, and grows on a little leafy plant.

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