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Nature’s Neighbors

Nature’s Neighbors

Nature’s Neighbors

Do you know that plants live in com­munities just as people clo?

A forest is a plant community of many trees. A pond is a community of many water plants. Prairies, deserts, and oceans are plant communities, too.

Plants live in places that have the kind of weather and soil they need. Plants in a swamp grow best in a wet place. Plants in a desert grow best in a very dry place. Swamp plants and desert plants could never be neighbors.

Communities of plants and animals are called biomes. Every plant, animal, and person lives in some kind of biome. You can find out what kind you live in from the next few pages.

Giant lawns

Grass doesn’t need as much water as trees and bushes do. So grass grows well in wide, flat places that are too dry for trees but not dry enough to be deserts. These places are like giant lawns. They…

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