Meet the Trees
Meet the Trees
Can you tell an oak tree from a maple tree? Can you tell one kind of Christmas tree from another?There are many different kinds of trees. But each kind of tree has leaves, bark, fruit, flowers, and seeds that are different from those of every other kind of tree.On the next 15 pages is a game about trees. Can you find your way through a spooky forest? If you take the wrong path, you’ll be in danger. But if you learn to tell one kind of tree from another, you’ll always be on the right path.So, come on—meet the trees!
The tree-path game
Come take a walk through this spooky forest. But be careful! If you choose a wrong path you’ll be captured by giant spiders or eaten by crocodiles! You can play this game by yourself. It begins here…

Solving tree mysteries
How would you like to be a tree detective? To be a tree detective you have to be able to use clues to find out the names of the trees you see. You can use the tree charts on pages 172-185 to help…

Leaf-scar faces
Some trees have “faces”! You can see them in the fall, if you look closely. When leaves drop off a tree, scars are left. The scars often look like the faces of animals—or even creatures from…

Christmas tree favorites
Which is your favorite kind of Christmas tree? People in the United States and Canada usually choose the balsam fir, the black spruce, or the Douglas fir. People in Britain, Germany, and most of…