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Look for a Lovely Thing

Look for a Lovely Thing

Look for a Lovely Thing

All around you, the beauty of the green kingdom fills the world.

Meadows in spring are carpets of green and gold and pink. Deserts are
splashed with bright blossoms after rain. Woods glow^7^ w^7^ith fiery
autumn reds and purples. Snow blankets the prairies in v^7^hite and

There is beauty in a flow^7^er hung w^7^ith raindrops. There is beauty
in a leaf silvered w^r^ith frost. There is beauty in bark and branches,
in stems and seeds.

Beauty is all around you. The green kingdom makes the world a lovely

Look for a lovely thing and you will find it, It is not far—

It never will be far.

from Night

Sara Teasdale

timothy and brome grass in moonlight



0 Lord, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou made them all:
The earth is full of thy riches.

[Psalms]{.smallcaps} 104:24

To every thing there is a season, And a time to every purpose under
heaven: A time to be born and a time to die .. .

squirreltail grass

[Ecclesiastes]{.smallcaps} 3 :l-2

black oak leaves

bristlecone pine bole

TFe paused amid the pines that stood The giants of the waste,

Tortured by storms to shapes as rude As serpents interlaced . . .

from [The Recollection]{.smallcaps} Percy Bysshe Shelley

birch bark

“Lay aside your cloak, 0 Birch-tree! Lay aside your white-skin wrapper,
For the Summer-time is coming, and the sun is warm in heaven, And yozi
need no white-skin wrapper!”

from [The Song of Hiawatha]{.smallcaps} Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will
never Pass into nothingness . . .

From [Endymion]{.smallcaps}

John Keats


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