How Does Your Garden Grow?
How Does Your Garden Grow?
They can’t see their pictures, they can’t read the label— the seeds in a package— so how are they able to know if they’re daisies or greens for the table?
It sounds like a fancy, it sounds like a fable, but you do the sowing, the weeding, the hoeing, and they’ll do the knowing of how to be growing.
[Package of Seeds]{.smallcaps} Aileen Fisher

A window-sill garden
You can have a bright, cheerful garden in your house all winter—a window-sill garden of house plants! You can buy small house plants at many stores. Put them on a window sill, or on a table near a…

Living-room gardens
> avocado Would you like to have a garden in your living room? One way to do it is to buy house plants. Philodendrons, serpent’s tongue, and rubber plants, which grow wild in hot parts of the…

Gardens in glass boxes
A terrarium is an indoor garden in a glass box. Owning one is like having a tiny forest, all to yourself. You can buy a terrarium, but it’s more fun to make your own. You’ll need: …

Outdoor gardens
A little seed For me to sow . . . A little earth To make it grow . . . A little hole, A little pat . . . A little wish, And that is that. A little sun, A little shower . . . A little while, And…