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Gardens in glass boxes

Gardens in glass boxes

A terrarium is an indoor garden in a glass box. Owning one is like
having a tiny forest, all to yourself.

You can buy a terrarium, but it’s more fun to make your own. You’ll

a glass box, bowl, a little sand

or jar peat moss

pebbles water

potting soil small plants

Put a layer of pebbles on the bottom for water to drain into. Cover the
pebbles with potting soil, mixed with a little sand and peat moss. Water
the soil until it is damp, but not muddy.

Next, dig up some ferns, moss, and other small plants from your yard or
an empty lot. If you want, you can also buy small plants. Arrange the
plants so that your terrarium looks like a tiny forest.

Keep your terrarium where it gets light, but not in a sunny place. If
you cover your terrarium, the temperature and moisture should stay in
balance. If the glass does get too moist, remove the lid for a short

You can raise water plants and fish in an aquarium. You will probably
have to buy the plants and fish from a pet store. Many pet stores have
books that tell you how to take care of the plants and fish and keep
them healthy.


These are good plants to put into a terrarium.

These are some of the best plants for an aquarium.

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