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Flowers you plant every spring

Flowers you plant every spring

Most flowers that you plant in the spring are annuals. Annuals are
plants that live only one summer. They sprout from seeds that are
planted in the spring. In the sum­mer, their flowers grow and make seeds.
In the fall, the plants die. You must save their seeds, or buy new
seeds, to plant again in the spring.

The plants shown on these two pages are annuals. Most of them grow from
seeds. You can buy packages of flower seeds at many stores. But be sure
you read the


red salvia


instructions on the package before plant­ing the seeds. In different
parts of the world, spring comes at different times. The package will
tell you when and how deep to plant the seeds.

Gladiolus plants are not really annuals, but where winters are cold we
treat them like annuals. The plants grow from un­derground buds called
corms. The corms are planted in the spring. In autumn, they are dug up
and stored. Next spring, they are planted again.

For more about the planning, planting, and care of a garden, look on
pages 156-159.



sweet peas

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