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Can plants see, or hear, or feel?

Can plants see, or hear, or feel?

A sunflower seems to watch the sun. It

slowly turns its flower head as the sun moves across the sky. Can a
sunflower see?

If you touch the leaves of a plant called

the sensitive plant, they will suddenly

fold up and droop. Then, in a short time, they will unfold and
straighten up again. Can the sensitive plant feel?

Before the leaves of the

sensitive plant are touched, they are wide open. But when the plant is
touched, its leaves suddenly fold up and droop.

Scientists say that no plant can really

see or hear or feel. But plants are living creatures that twist and
turn to move toward sunlight or away from heat. Most plants do this so
slowly we don’t notice it. But some plants, such as the sensitive plant,
move quickly. This makes it seem as if they can feel. But plants don’t
have brains or nerves. So they probably can’t feel pain the way you do.

sensitive plant

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