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A vegetable garden

A vegetable garden

Nothing tastes quite so good as food you have grown yourself. To grow
your own vegetables you will need a small bit of flat ground that gets
plenty of sunshine.

It’s easier to grow tomatoes from young plants than from seeds. Dig
holes about two feet (60 centimeters) apart. Dig the holes deep enough
to bury the roots and wide enough to let them spread out. Fill the holes
with water and let it soak in. Rest the roots at the bottom of the hole.
Cover them with dirt until the ground is level. Next to each plant put a
stick about four feet (1.2 meters) high. As the plant grows, tie the
stem to the stick.

snap beans




All the other vegetables shown on these pages—and many other
vegetables—can be grown from seeds. Follow the directions on the
packages. Water your vegetables only when there hasn’t been much rain.

For more about the planning, planting, and care of a garden, look on
pages 156-159.

On a summer vine, and low, The fat tomatoes burst and grow;

A green, a pink, a yellow head, Will soon be warm and shiny red;

And on a morning hot with sun, I’ll find and pick a ripened one.

Warm juice and seeds beneath the skin— I’ll shut my eyes when 1
bite in.

[Tomato Time]{.smallcaps}

Myra Cohn Livingston



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