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A rock garden

rock garden

Rock gardens aren’t very easy to make. But they’re fun, and many people
think they’re the most beautiful kind of garden. Your rock garden won’t
have to be as big as this one. But it can be just as pretty if you work
hard at it.

A rock garden

If your yard has a sunny place that slopes a little, like a small hill,
you can have a good rock garden. It should look like a tiny bit of
mountainside where small, bright flowers grow among the rocks.

First, bring all your rocks to the slope. Put the biggest ones at the
bottom. Scoop out shallow holes for them. At least half of each rock
should be buried in the dirt.

Next, put the smaller stones higher up on the slope. Place some of them
close to­gether, but leave lots of dirt between others.

grape hyacinth

Finally, plant small ferns and flowering plants in the dirt between the
rocks. Early spring is a good time to plant. Use plants that won’t grow
more than 12 inches (30 centimeters) high. Some good rock garden plants
are shown on this page.

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