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A fun garden

A fun garden

All the plants shown on these two pages are “fun” plants. They have
bright colors and unusual shapes. Several of them can be saved and used
to decorate your house during winter or for special occasions.

Honesty and strawflowers are planted in early spring. Honesty blooms in
May and June. The flowers become silvery seed pods that can be dried and
put in a vase. Strawflowers bloom from midsummer until the first frost.
They can be cut, dried, and used for decorations, too.

Gourds should also be planted in early spring. They ripen in the fall,
growing into many shapes and sizes, with stripes and bright patterns.
They will keep for years, and can be varnished or painted. Both gourds
and Indian corn are often used as decorations for Halloween parties and
Thanksgiving Day feasts.

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