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Puppet heads

Some glove puppets have separate heads. When you use these puppets, slip your hand into the glove first. Then put on the head. To make a glove body for these puppet heads, use the pattern on page...

Weave a bag

Materials Read weaving (pages 178-179) before you begin this project. 1 Cut a piece of cardboard the size you want your bag to be. Leave an extra inch (13 mm) along the edge that will be the top of...

Helpful hints

The following information will help you make the projects in this section. If a special skill is needed, the directions will tell you the page on which that skill is explained. For example: "Hook the...

Doll’s poncho

Materials - cloth - cloth scraps - embroidery thread - felt-tip pen - needle (crewel, darner, or tapestry) - ruler - scissors - straight pins - yarn 1. Choose a piece of cloth that is wide...

Stitched belt

> Materials > > ■ cloth scraps > > ■ felt or heavy cotton, > > 2 inches (5 cm) wide and long enough to go around your waist > > ■ embroidery thread > > ■ felt-tip pen > > ■ needle (tapestry,...

Stitchery picture

Materials - crayon - needle (tapestry, darner, or crewel) - paper (plain) - ruler - scissors - yarn (several colors) 1 Plan and draw a design or picture on a piece of paper. You can make up...

Neck ornament

Materials - newspaper - paintbrush - papier-mache pulp - tempera paint - yarn or string 1. Make some papier-mache pulp (see papier-mache pulp, page 89). Drop two large spoonfuls of pulp on a...