Some glove puppets have separate heads. When you use these puppets, slip your hand into the glove first. Then put on the head. To make a glove body for these puppet heads, use the pattern on page...
On your own
> Here are more things you can make with yarn, string, and rope.
Weave a bag
Materials Read weaving (pages 178-179) before you begin this project. 1 Cut a piece of cardboard the size you want your bag to be. Leave an extra inch (13 mm) along the edge that will be the top of...
Octavius octopus
Materials - blunt needle - scissors - Styrofoam or rubber ball (or tightly crumpled newspaper) - yarn (two colors) 1. Cut off 36 strands of yarn, each measuring three times as long as your...
Burlap wallhanging
Materials - blunt needle - burlap - cardboard or wood strip - crochet hook - frame - glue (white) - pencil - scissors - yarn (several colors) 1. Cut a big piece of burlap the size you want...
Helpful hints
The following information will help you make the projects in this section. If a special skill is needed, the directions will tell you the page on which that skill is explained. For example: "Hook the...
Doll’s poncho
Materials - cloth - cloth scraps - embroidery thread - felt-tip pen - needle (crewel, darner, or tapestry) - ruler - scissors - straight pins - yarn 1. Choose a piece of cloth that is wide...
Stitched belt
> Materials > > ■ cloth scraps > > ■ felt or heavy cotton, > > 2 inches (5 cm) wide and long enough to go around your waist > > ■ embroidery thread > > ■ felt-tip pen > > ■ needle (tapestry,...
Stitchery picture
Materials - crayon - needle (tapestry, darner, or crewel) - paper (plain) - ruler - scissors - yarn (several colors) 1 Plan and draw a design or picture on a piece of paper. You can make up...
Neck ornament
Materials - newspaper - paintbrush - papier-mache pulp - tempera paint - yarn or string 1. Make some papier-mache pulp (see papier-mache pulp, page 89). Drop two large spoonfuls of pulp on a...