A mouse scampers through the grass in a meadow. It is night and only the stars are out. The mouse can hardly see, but it finds its way in the dark, because it is in its territory. The air is full of...
A “star” with a tail
> Night after night, a long, shining streak hung in the sky. It looked > like a big, bright star with a glowing tail. Each night it seemed to > grow bigger and brighter. People were terrified. "It's...
Do You Fear the Wind?
by Hamlin Garland Do you fear the force of the wind, The slash of the rain? Go face them and fight them, Be savage again. Go hungry and cold like the wolf, Go wade like the crane: The palms of...
A Kite
author unknown I often sit and wish that I Could be a kite up in the sky, And ride upon the breeze and go Whichever way I chanced to blow. by Christina Rossetti Who has seen the wind? Neither...
A Big Deal for the Tooth Fairy
by X. J. Kennedy Tooth Fairy, hear! Tonight's the night I've dreamed about for ages, For haven't we kids got a right To rake in living wages? I've tried to work my back teeth loose, Tied...
Mother Doesn’t Want a Dog
by Judith Viorst Mother doesn't want a dog. Mother says they smell, And never sit when you say sit, Or even when you yell. And when you come home late at night And there is ice and snow, You...
One Winter Night in August
> "Now, boy, come be arrested For stealing frozen steam!" And whipping > out his pistol, > > "Why, sure, I haven't seen him." The cop smiled with a sneer. > > "He was just here tomorrow And he...
by Ivy 0. Eastwick Three Wise Men of Gotham thought the Moon was cheese and tried to fish it out of the river---if you please! but all the little tadpoles trilled a little tune: "You'll never, never...
The Bunyip of Berkeley’s Creek
> by Jenny Wagner > > illustrations by Ron Brooks Late one night, for no particular reason, something stirred in the black mud at the bottom of Berkeley's Creek. The fish swam away in fright, and...
Good Night
by Rose Fyleman The rabbits play no more, The little birds are weary, The buttercups are folded up--- Good night, good night, my dearie. The children in the country, The children in the city, Go...
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