A fat little brown and green caterpillar crawls on a leaf. A moth with beautiful black designs on its silver wings, flies past a bush. The moth and the caterpillar don't look a bit alike. But they...
The Animal Kingdom
What's the difference between a pussy willow and a pussycat? For a pussy willow, being alive is growing from a seed in the ground. It is having roots to get water from the ground. It is staying in...
A Kitten
> by Eleanor Farjeon He's nothing much but fur And two round eyes of blue, He has a giant purr And a midget mew. He darts and pats the air, He starts and cocks his ear, When there is nothing...
The Owl and the Pussycat
by Edward Lear The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea In a beautiful pea-green boat, They took some honey, and plenty of money, Wrapped up in a five-pound note. The Owl looked up to the stars...
Tom, Tom the Piper’s Son
Tom, Tom, the piper's son, Stole a pig and away he run; The pig was eat And Tom was beat, And Tom went howling down the street. Ding, dong, bell, Pussy's in the well. Who put her in? Little...