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Peter the peanut puppet

Materials - glue (white) - ice-cream sticks (three) - needle (darner) - peanuts (in the shell) - tempera paint - thread (heavy) - yarn 1. For Peter's head and body, string three long peanuts...

Christmas in the Little House

from Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder pictures by Garth Williams More than a hundred years ago, a little girl named Laura lived in a log house at the edge of a great forest in...

Come Away! Come Away!

> from Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie > > Peter Pan, the little boy who never grew up, has been secretly > listening to Mrs. Darling tell bedtime stories to her three children. > But one night, when she...

Whistle for Willie

###Whistle for Willie > by Ezra Jack Keats illustrations by Ezra Jack Keats Oh, how Peter wished he could whistle! He saw a boy playing with his dog. Whenever the boy whistled, the dog ran...