I saw a robin build a nest. The robin did not have to learn how to build a nest. It knew from the time it was born. This knowing is called instinct. Even if a robin never saw a nest, it would make...
The mark of a Welshman
St. David's Day March 1 The fierce battle had raged for hours. Swords clashed as the men of Wales fought to protect their land from the Saxon invaders. But the Welsh were losing. A monk with the...
The Monkey and the Crocodile
a Jataka Tale from India retold by Ellen C. Babbitt A Monkey lived in a great tree on a river bank. In the river there were many Crocodiles. A Crocodile watched the Monkeys for a long time, and one...
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears
> a West African folk tale retold by Verna Aardema One morning a mosquito saw an iguana drinking at a waterhole. The mosquito said, "Iguana, you will never believe what I saw yesterday." "Try me,"...