I wonder if I'll ever know about everything in my world. I ask about the things that puzzle me. I learn some new thing every day. Still I wonder. I write poems that tell about the things that are...
The secret word
There was once a very large, fat, and quite handsome bullfrog by the name of Ribidip, who lived in a small pond in a forest. He was well liked by the mud turtles, was friends with most of the fish,...
Learning about people of long ago
Scientists who study the things made by people who lived long ago are called archaeologists. By digging in places where people once lived, archaeologists find houses, tools, dishes, weapons, and...
People Watchers
Would you like to dig up the skeleton of someone who lived thousands of years ago? Or explore the bottom of the ocean for treasure from sunken ships? Or do things to help people live better and be...
Books to Read
Your school and public library have many interesting books about animals for you to look at and read. You may find these and other books there. Ages 5 to 8 Ant Cities by Arthur Dorros (Crowell,...
Horses without hoofs
> Eohippus > > \ Scientists say that if you could see the horses that lived 55 million years ago, you wouldn't know they were horses. They had toes on their feet instead of hoofs. They ate fruit...
Animals of Long Ago
Imagine animals like fish with legs. Imagine trees like giant feather dusters. That's what some animals and trees looked like, once. Just as you change as you grow older, the world changes and the...
There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
> There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, She had so many children > she didn't know what to do She gave them some broth without any bread; > > She spanked them all soundly and sent them to bed....