Materials ■ clay (hardening, modeling, chemical, or kitchen) ■ toothpick Read Clay (pages 108-111) before you decide what kind of clay you want to use for these projects. You can create a whole...
More toys!
Shoebox Train > Pull your toys in a shoebox choo-choo train. Paint the boxes to look > like train cars. Then punch a hole in the ends of each box. Tie the > boxes together with string and buttons. ...
Rhythm-band parade
These musical instruments are easy to make. When you've made them all, you and your friends can have a rhythm-band parade. Cymbals Drum Crash, crash, crash go the big brass cymbals. Use two pot...
The Pantheon in Rome, Italy, was built thousands of years ago and looks like this today. Whoever heard of building a building with a big hole in the middle of the roof? No, the hole was not a...
Hot-water fountains in the earth
On a bare, rocky patch of land sits a cone-shaped hump of rock with a hole in its top. Suddenly, with a hiss, a great, silvery spray of steam shoots up out of the hole. A geyser has erupted. Geysers...
Holes in rock
A den for bears and a bedroom for bats. A home for prehistoric people. A dark place of gloom and mystery. A sparkling wonderland of strangely shaped rocks. That's a cave! A cave is simply a hole in...
Why the Bear Has a Stumpy Tail
a Norwegian folk tale by P. C. Asbjbrnsen and J. Moe adapted from the translation by G. W. Dasent One winter day, the Bear met the Fox, who was slinking along with a string of fish he had stolen. ...