Cyanosis is a bluish coloring of the skin and lips that results from a lack of oxygen in the blood. A "blue baby" has cyanosis because a congenital (present at birth) heart defect interferes with...
My heart pumps blood
Blood moves fast. And my heart is what makes it move. Blood leaving my heart right now will travel all the way to my toes and back again in about one minute. Inside my body are thousands of tubes...
My heart and blood
My heart is about as big as my fist. Each side of it works. The right side receives blood from the rest of my body. It pumps the blood to my lungs. In my lungs, blood takes oxygen from the air. The...
Thump-t/rump, thump-thump, thump-thump. You can hear the giant heartbeats as you walk through a giant model heart. Inside the heart you can watch the main parts work, just the way they do in your...
Eep’s Valentine, Or That’s What Love Is All About
Eep the field mouse had a problem. He was desperately in love with a young lady field mouse named Squee who lived two meadows and a pond away. Squee had the longest whiskers Eep had ever seen. When...
Make a valentine
Materials - construction paper - crayons - newspaper - saucer - scissors - sponge (small) - tempera paint Here is a valentine you can make for someone you love. You'll find that it is easy...
Wild Geese
by Elinor Chipp I heard the wild geese flying In the dead of the night, With beat of wings and crying I heard the wild geese flying, And dreams in my heart sighing Followed their northward flight....
The Monkey and the Crocodile
a Jataka Tale from India retold by Ellen C. Babbitt A Monkey lived in a great tree on a river bank. In the river there were many Crocodiles. A Crocodile watched the Monkeys for a long time, and one...
The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts She made some tarts, All on a summer's day; The Knave of Hearts He stole the tarts, And took them clean away. The King of Hearts Called for the tarts, And beat the knave full...