Roots are like sponges. They soak up water. And roots are anchors, too. A plant's roots grow down into the earth. They spread out and send out branches. They curve around stones. They grow toward...
A world full of life
The days grow longer. The air is warm and the ground is filled with water. The new plants are shooting up. They twist and turn and stretch as they grow. They reach for as much sunlight as they can...
The Animal Kingdom
What's the difference between a pussy willow and a pussycat? For a pussy willow, being alive is growing from a seed in the ground. It is having roots to get water from the ground. It is staying in...
A crystal garden
When small crystals of a mineral join together, they "grow" into larger crystals. You can see how crystals grow by growing some crystals yourself. Here's what you will need: 6 tablespoons of water ...
Flat sides and sharp corners
A chunk of mineral may seem to be just a jagged, lumpy, or twisty piece of hard stuff with no special shape. But each kind of mineral is actually made up of tiny shapes called crystals---shapes that...
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockleshells, And pretty maids all in a row.