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In the hospital

Now my mother rested. And the doctor and nurse did many things for me. They put drops in my eyes to keep them healthy. They looked at my ears and nose, and fingers and toes---all of me. Name tags...

My sense of touch

The nerves in my back are farther apart than the nerves in my fingers. My friend touches my back with two unsharpened pencils. Both pencils touch my back at the same time. But I can feel only one...

My hands and feet

My hands and feet are important parts of me that I can see. I use them to do all kinds of work. My fingers and thumbs pick up things and hold them. When I try to pick up things without using my...

When do we eat?

Grrrr. Your stomach is growling. You're hungry. It's long past the time you usually eat. But when do you eat? And how often? And how? The answers to these questions depend on where you live. When,...


> by Eunice Tietjens The snow is soft, and how it squashes! > "Galumph, galumph!" go my galoshes. "Thumbs in the thumb-place, Fingers all together!" This is the song We sing in mitten-weather....