Location of endocrine glands > Endocrine glands produce hormones that regulate growth, sexual > development, metabolism, and other body functions. Endocrine glands produce vital chemical...
My senses
My world is filled with sights, sounds, smells, and things to touch or taste. My eyes, ears, fingers, nose, and mouth help me to choose the things I like. Sometimes I ask myself questions, "Why do I...
In the hospital
Now my mother rested. And the doctor and nurse did many things for me. They put drops in my eyes to keep them healthy. They looked at my ears and nose, and fingers and toes---all of me. Name tags...
Sometimes eyes need help
I see a horse in a field. If I can't see the horse clearly, my eyes need help. Eyeballs should be nearly round. People whose eyeballs are too long are nearsighted. They look at the far-off horse,...
Outside my eye
Ouch! Something's in my eye! I'm not crying, but my eye is. It's crying tears just as if I really were sad. That happens whenever specks of dust and dirt get past my eyelashes and into one of my...
I see my face
I see my eyes. There are eyebrows above them and eyelashes around them. My eyelashes and eyebrows keep dust and dirt out of my eyes. I look closely at one of my eyes. The colored circle is my iris....
Glowing eyes
Silently the tiger crouches, its striped coat blending perfectly with the evening shadows. A deer is coming! The tiger turns its head to watch---and suddenly its eyes begin to glow with a strange...
Seeing it clearly
> The lens in your eye bends light rays and makes them focus, or come > together, at the back of your eye. Your eyes don't hurt, but the doctor says you need glasses. Why? How can glasses help your...
What animals see
A hawk can see much better than a person can. From high in the sky, a hawk can see a tiny mouse in the grass below. Broadwinged Hawk If you were a rabbit, nibbling plants in a meadow, you would be...
How mammal babies grow
The newborn meadow mouse weighs little more than a feather. Its eyes are closed and it has no fur. The baby river otter's eyes are closed, too. But a thick fur coat covers its body. The fawn's eyes...
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