A great, shining bridge across a broad river. A vehicle speeding through the cold darkness of space, toward another planet. A new kind of plastic, one that's tougher than steel. A giant electric...
Counting triangles
The design shown above is made entirely of triangles. How many triangles, of all sizes, do you think there are? Altogether, there are 88 triangles! See if you can find them all. There are 42...
Music to your ears
What is music? It's making sounds you like--- and putting the sounds together in different ways. You use the sounds to make a \"design" you can hear, the same way you use a pencil or crayons to make...
Burlap wallhanging
Materials - blunt needle - burlap - cardboard or wood strip - crochet hook - frame - glue (white) - pencil - scissors - yarn (several colors) 1. Cut a big piece of burlap the size you want...
Stitchery picture
Materials - crayon - needle (tapestry, darner, or crewel) - paper (plain) - ruler - scissors - yarn (several colors) 1 Plan and draw a design or picture on a piece of paper. You can make up...
Seed mosaic
Materials A mosaic is a picture made with tiny bits of glass, stone, or other material. The Greeks and Romans made pictures like this to decorate their floors and walls. You can make - cardboard...
Potato prints
Materials - knife (paring) - pencil - potato - saucer or jar lid (large) - shelf paper - teaspoon - tempera paint Before you start this project, cover your work area with layers of newspaper....
Stencil printing
Materials - cardboard (thin) - felt-tip pen - newspaper - paper - scissors - tape (transparent) - tempera paint - toothbrush (old) Before you start this project, cover your work area with...