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I like animals

They creep, they crawl, they leap, they fly. They make strange noises. That's why I like to watch and listen to animals. I like the look of soft, smooth fur and shiny feathers. Sometimes I try to...

Decorated skin—ouch!

It hurts to cut the skin or stick a pin in it. But some people don't care how much it hurts, if they think it makes them look beautiful! In Mozambique, on the eastern coast of Africa, there are...

Pictures to walk on

Every day, thousands of busy people hurry back and forth over city sidewalks. They hardly ever look down at the gray concrete beneath their feet---except to avoid tripping over a crack or a bump. ...

Eye-catching walls

There is a beautiful village about 30 miles from the city of Pretoria, South Africa. It stands in the middle of wild country called the bush. In the village, the people of the Ndebele tribe live in...

The Way We See It

Thousands of years ago, a person dressed in animal skins painted pictures on the wall of a cave in France. The paints were made of powdered red rock and black charcoal. These were mixed with fat to...

To make life worth living

We try to make ourselves and the world around us beautiful. We pray for the help we need to love and be kind to one another. In this book you will learn about some of the many ways we do these...

Jewels from the sea

People have always looked upon sea shells as beautiful, precious objects. As long as thirty thousand years ago, sea shells were used as jewelry. Necklaces made of sea shells have been found in the...

Ugly, beautiful – and deadly!

Some of the ugliest fish in the world and some of the most beautiful fish in the world both belong to the same family. The ugliest fish are creatures called stonefishes. They look like lumpy rocks...

Indoor gardens

We usually think of gardens as being outdoor places. But many beautiful gar­dens are indoors, in special buildings. The plants get plenty of sunlight through glass roofs, and are kept warm all year...