Octopuses, snails, slugs, oysters, clams, scallops, squids, and a number
of similar creatures all belong to a “family” of animals called mollusks
[(mahl]{.smallcaps} uhsks). The name means “soft body.”
A mollusk has no skeleton. But most mollusks do have some kind of shell
that gives them protection. Their shells are the “sea shells” so often
found on beaches.
Some mollusks never move. But most have a sort of thick pad on which
they can crawl very slowly. Other mollusks, such as squids and
octopuses, have snaky arms instead of a pad. And most mollusks have a
very special sort of tongue, one that is different from the tongue of
any other animal. It is like a ribbon that is covered with tiny teeth. A
mollusk uses its tongue like a file.
There are more than eighty thousand different kinds of mollusks. Each
kind of mollusk that has a shell has its own special kind of shell.
People who collect and study sea shells can often look at a shell and
tell what kind of mollusk lived in it.

A many-armed “monster”
The sun was setting over the ocean, and the sky was a blaze of pink, orange, and purple. As the big red ball slowly dropped out of sight, the bright colors faded and the sky turned blue-black. Night…

Sea arrows
The squid, or sea arrow as it is sometimes called, is a cousin of the octopus. Like the octopus it can change color and can shoot out a cloud of ink. It also swims as an octopus does, by sucking in…

The beautiful shell
Millions of years ago, the sea was full of many octopuslike animals. But these animals had shells, like those of snails. Today, of course, the octopus has no shell at all. And its cousin, the squid,…

The “spade-footed” ones
If you ever find the shell of a scaphopod uh pahd) on a beach, you may think you’ve found the tusk of a tiny elephant! For that’s what the shells of most of these little creatures look like. The…