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The Nineteenth-Moon-of-Neptune Beasts


The Nineteenth-Moon-of-Neptune Beasts

by X. J. Kennedy

Who lives on Neptune’s nineteenth moon?

How are its ski conditions?

Oh, why have we never heard one word From the previous expeditions?

We skim low for a look around And splash down. While untwisting Our
airlock door I catch the sound Of infant beasts insisting,

“Please, Mom, can’t we have something else? Yes honestly, we’ve tried,
But these screwy eggs with rockets on Have funny bugs inside!”

Back Yard, July Night

by William Cole

Firefly, airplane, satellite, star— How I wonder which you are.

Far Trek

by June Brady

Some things will never change although We tour out to the stars;

Arriving on the moon we’ll find Our luggage sent to Mars!

This Little Pig Built a Spaceship

by Frederick Winsor

This little pig built a spaceship,

This little pig paid the bill;

This little pig made isotopes, This little pig ate a pill;

And this little pig did nothing at all, But he’s just a little pig

The Difficulty of Living on Other Planets by Dennis Lee

A Martian with a mangled spear

Is stuffing tarts in my left ear.

If I turn off my hearing aid

Will I still taste the marmalade?

There Was a Man

by Dennis Lee

There was a man who never was.

This tragedy occurred because His parents, being none too smart, Were
born two hundred years apart.

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