The Hall of Mirrors in the Versailles Palace
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who’s the fairest one of all?
If yon were walking through the Hall of Mirrors in the Versailles Palaee
near Paris, France, yon would see so many mirrors that yon wouldn t know
which one to look in first. Almost anywhere yon stood, yon could see
yourself from the front or from the back, from the right side or from
the left side.
The Versailles (ver [sy)]{.smallcaps} Palace was built many years ago by
a French king, Louis XIV. The palace has hundreds of rooms, and it is
surrounded by a huge park with fancy gardens and spraying fountains.
The palace is famous for the important things that have happened there:
the crowning of the first emperor of Germany, the meeting that started
the French Revolution, and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles —
the agreement that officially ended World War I.
Now, the Versailles Palace is a national museum of France.
The Versailles Palaee and gardens near Paris. France